Monday, February 24, 2014

Why You Need an A/C Tune Up

Having your A/C unit serviced is something that people normally do not think about until something goes wrong, right? Well, this is definitely not the proper way to take care of your investment.

Let's think about this for a minute: you spend thousands of dollars installing an A/C unit in your home, hundreds of thousands of dollars on your home, itself, and hundreds of dollars a month to keep it powered. That is quite an investment! So, shouldn't you want to be more proactive in protecting your investment, and save yourself some money in the long run?

Here are the facts:

1. Your A/C unit needs to be maintained at least once a year.
2. Your A/C unit has a warranty, and that warranty is voided for neglect of regular maintenance.
3. Arizona weather does horrible damage on your A/C unit that you might not even notice.
4. Lack of maintenance can lead to extremely expensive repairs or premature replacement.
5. Regular maintenance can actually improve the longevity of your system, as well as lower your electricity bills.

Given the facts, do you think that you have been properly maintaining your A/C unit?

Here's what we can do to help: We can perform an A/C Tune-Up on your home comfort system as a whole. The Tune-Up entails the following items:

  • Check thermostat operation
  • Inspect plenum
  • Inspect ducts for air leaks
  • Check condensation drain pan
  • Inspect the evaporator coils
  • Check indoor blower motor
  • Check blower motor run capacitor
  • Inspect condition of blower wheel
  • Measure air flow
  • Test safety controls
  • Check electrical wiring of system
  • Check operation and condition of compressor contactor
  • Check relays
  • Test run capacitors 
  • Check all starting components in system 
  • Check refrigerant pressures
  • Check condenser motor operation
  • Inspect condenser coils
  • Check insulation on tubes and panels
  • Calculate operating efficiency 
Call us today to book your A/C Tune Up and prepare for the heat! 602-943-2000
Or schedule online at: 

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